Banana (CO), Fruit juice Apricot nectar (Opaline), Fruitjuice (Opaline) apple and melissa Bio, Fruitjuice apples an carrots Bio (opaline), Fruitjuice (Opaline) apple - raspberry , Apple Gala (CH), Orange Tarocco (IT), Kaki - Persimon (IT), Clementinen Taclé (IT)
The seasonal fruit box is regularly filled with the best fruits of the season - including fine Swiss opaline juices.
content: S=4Fl. and 3kg fruits, M=6Fl. and 4kg fruitsl, L=8Fl. and 5kg fruits
Preise: S = 52.50 CHF | M = 62.50 CHF | L = 72.50 CHF