Fruit-Basket, - Früchte im ABO

Mixed & seasonal fruits. Assorted in basket.
Physalis (CO), Ananas extra (CR), Passion fruit (VN), Banana (CO), Apple Boskoop (CH), Pear Alexander (CH), Pitahaya red (red fleshed) (VN), Granadille (CO), Pitahaya red (white fleshed) (VN), Apple Diwa (CH), Grapes Rosé ca. 1Kg (IT), Kaki - Persimon (ES), Clementines with leaf (ES), Kiwi (IT), Kiwi red (IT), Mandarinen Satsumas (ES), Oranges with leaf (IT)
Mixed & seasonal fruits. Assorted in basket.
Weight: S = 10 kg, M = 13 kg, L = 20kg, this information is the minimum required, incl. basket.
Preise: S = 200.00 CHF | M = 275.00 CHF | L = 350.00 CHF